Thursday, 22 May 2008

DVD Slip P5

I need to design the DVD slip that will be inserted on the outside of a new horror film called the Black Night. The film is about a group of friends who go out in the night and experience a dram tic experience, including vampire like creatures. When the friends need to defend for their life when they fight the head vampire, who turns out to kill them all. The DVD slip needs to include a professional front cover to sell the film and a blurb on the reverse side of the DVD, it will also need to include all the details of the film including the age rating, which is an 18. This will be made from the image that i took of trees.
It will need to look professional and include pictures of vampires and the main characters which star in the film. It will need to sell the film to the audience, and make it look like a horror film.

Black, white and red

Final Design


My design was made from the image off trees, and then using different layers i was then able to add images of the vampires and the main stars who are casted in the film. My design does look professional and does make use of the colours which have been suggested. I have chossen to use the file type of a jpeg because it means that i can resize it and still get a good quality picture.

The beginning image

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